One of the biggest and significant wars in world history.
But also the worst.
Last night i was watching a series calle band of brothers.
Its about a division of paratroop soldiers called E company.
These men went through many terrible moments.
From being rained on by artillery, to watching close friends get hit in a foxhole, to finding their first jewish work camp, these men had to endure things we see only in the movies.
Imagine going through what they went through.
At least there were men that keept their humor even through the toughest of moments
Some of my favorite Quotes from these episodes are; [a tree has fallen on Babe's foxhole] Hey, Sarge, ya think I overdid it on the cover for my foxhole?
When you talk to an officer, you say "sir".
[imitating Major Horton] Does a wild bear crap in the woods, son?
And of course the best vheicals and weapons of all time.
World war II is by far my most favorite subject of all time.